
Helping with a sponsorship

As representatives of animals in need, we would like to introduce you to some individual animal fates. To make sure that the supplies for these animals – medical supplies or food supplies – are provided for, we are offering you the opportunity to take on a sponsorship for one or more of the animals. With a small monthly contribution you can help them survive.

Be a sponsor

The contributions for the sponsorships are only via Paypal or cash possible. Anybody willing to take over a sponsorship can contact me info@amigos-de-lucky.org

No obligations or minimum charges

The sponsors themselves determine the amount they would like to give. Everybody should really only give what they can put aside every month.

Thank you

On behalf of all of our sponsored dogs. Without you our work wouldn't be possible.

End your sponsorship

Please write us a short e-mail stating that the sponsorship cannot be continued, no reason needed. Then we can display the animal as "available“ on our website. No sponsor need to be afraid that we will stop looking after an animal once a sponsorship has ended. We will never abandon an animal.